Sunday, July 27, 2008

lurvin Florida!!!!!

I love Florida!!!! this place is sooo nice! hey did whoever is reading this know the guy that sings the rap song "LOW" name is Flo rida in other words FLORIDA!!!!!! ya i found tht out a while ago...but anyways back to FLO-RIDA!!!
so yesterday i went out on the boat with delainey, her grandparents and ms.beth. we went to the island and it was georgeous. we found 2 sharkteeth 2 starfish and a whole bunch of shells. delainey was being really moody tht day so we left the place early cause "she was getting a sun burn" but i got to drive the boat a little bit back so it was still awesome. her grandparents have an amazing house, it was beautiful. when we got back to the house we swam and delainey and i tried getting coconuts out of the back yard palm tree. it was funny cause delainey threw a coconut at another coconut in the tree and it bounced off and hit me in the head ha ha ha it didnt hurt too bad. after we succeeded in getting like 5 down (mostly by accident) we cracked 1 open!!! it was fun....:)))))
I <3>
i lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv dis place:DDDDDD
ps. and the people (or should i say person) tht thought i was
calling delainey ugly in the other post might need to reread it


lindsey:) said...

hahaha! sounds like yal had a blast!!! too bad i couldnt hang w yal both times yal asked me to...poo... i wish i could'a

Little Bit said...

what lidsey said...souds like you guys did have an awesome time together. its always nice to get together with old friends. sorry i couldnt go to the movies or ice skating with you. that wouldve been cool! i love meeting new people!

lindsey:) said...

ya same here. i really wanted to come to delainey's house and spend the night and meet u then i woulda gone to the movies, xcpt i saw the muvi already, and skatin, it was ice skatin so i couldnt go...idk how 2 skate period!!! lol.

Are u a christian????