Saturday, August 9, 2008

bak 2 schoooooool!!!

yoooo im bak in georgia and its bak 2 school...
hope all goes well:))))
oh ya and has anyone seen my back pack lol:D (insider)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

lurvin Florida!!!!!

I love Florida!!!! this place is sooo nice! hey did whoever is reading this know the guy that sings the rap song "LOW" name is Flo rida in other words FLORIDA!!!!!! ya i found tht out a while ago...but anyways back to FLO-RIDA!!!
so yesterday i went out on the boat with delainey, her grandparents and ms.beth. we went to the island and it was georgeous. we found 2 sharkteeth 2 starfish and a whole bunch of shells. delainey was being really moody tht day so we left the place early cause "she was getting a sun burn" but i got to drive the boat a little bit back so it was still awesome. her grandparents have an amazing house, it was beautiful. when we got back to the house we swam and delainey and i tried getting coconuts out of the back yard palm tree. it was funny cause delainey threw a coconut at another coconut in the tree and it bounced off and hit me in the head ha ha ha it didnt hurt too bad. after we succeeded in getting like 5 down (mostly by accident) we cracked 1 open!!! it was fun....:)))))
I <3>
i lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv dis place:DDDDDD
ps. and the people (or should i say person) tht thought i was
calling delainey ugly in the other post might need to reread it

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

7 reazons i think delainey is crazy:)

1.she's been to the ER like 5 billion times from crazy stuff like toe nails and hotsauce in her eye:) lol time i found a live cockroach in an old box when delainey was at my house when we were little and she wanted to keep it as a pet:) ha ha lol
3.she talks on and on and on and on and on and she doesn't stop ha ha lol
4.she likes rolling down giant hills:D thts fun but c'mon. at 1:00 in the mornin?
5.she thinks she's ugly! SO NOT TRUE!:))))))
6.she can have a 2 hour long conversation with a person she just met about something as simple as a red marker


YO YO YO! I be in Florida with my bffl Delainey and i havin so much fun! 'just got here today and we went swimmin and i saw Delainey's cute dog, SAsha! ha ha ha and Delainey is so weird but i love her:) my next post im gonna write all about how weird she is:DDDDD
ily, Delainey;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Its only been like week since i've gotten on the computer, but so much has happened since then.
My bffl is coming from Florida, I GOT MY EARS PIERCED!, i've started redesigning my room, and i'm going down to Florida with my bffl after she comes to visit me!! im sooooo excited!

Friday, July 11, 2008

random (im bored) unique. like everyone else in this universe i strive with everyday life things. thats all i can really say, i mean i do have my qualities and interests but who really in this world would sit and read a billion words all describing who i am?....not many people. Doesn't the world teach it's citizens the key to living is to survive? and doesn't that mean just watching out for yourself? Theres something to think about,is it just a choice we make to care for others? or is it an instinct? Is the human kind born to of no one but themselves????? wow, strange how one can get from the subject of saying they're unique to the subject of talking about the mind of a human:)

Newby~(the 10 most important facts about me)

So i just got a blog and i guess i should tell you readers a little about myself: superbly tall
2.i'm very creative parents are divorced and i have a step mom& sister
4.i exceed in a lot of academic things favorite color is blue (and sometimes green or brown)
6.i love to write,draw, and sing
7.someday i hope to be a professional song writer and novelist
8.i have 2 cats and 2 dogs (tinkerbell, ms.kitty, jonah, and lola)
9.i have a bffl, delainey
10.AND MOST love god with all my heart! (im a christian:))

Are u a christian????